5 Simple Exercises to Reduce Knee Pain & Injury

5 Simple Exercises to Reduce Knee Pain & Injury


Knee pain is troubling 1 in every 4 woman. Every individual suffering from this menace has tried every resort from medicinal to that of yoga and meditation to heave a sigh of relief. There are certain exercise that must be carried out religiously in order to reduce the pain and lead a happy fulfilling life. According to James Andrew, world renowned Orthopaedic surgeon women and men alike should do these exercises regularly.

  • Stairs : Stairs are normally a headache for people. With elevators present at even in the 2 storey apartments nowadays stairs have just become a mode of taking hefty unbearable weight and a passé. We are so used to taking the short cuts that even climbing the stairs for short 10 steps seems to be a herculean task. Stairs are very necessary as it gives the leg an extraordinary piece of workout. As per physicians stairs must be used by all. Only aged people having physical constraints must be excluded from taking them. Rest all should use it as much as feasible as it gives the whole body a thorough workout.
  • Knee Raise : Knee raise are well to implement in order to prevent the excruciating pain from deteriorating furthermore. Knee raises are easy to do with lying on the back and lifting alternate leg with holding it for few minutes. Do the same with the next leg. These are even performed by athlete personalities to strengthen their calf muscles. Knee raises help them who are already suffering from severe arthritis to gain a good knee strength and density to work those muscles well.
  • Cycling : Up and down motion of legs not only allows good movement of the legs. Nevertheless it even gives the painful legs a relief from the ongoing pain that disturbs the whole body. Cycling is done by moving your legs in a circular motion while lying on a cushy carpet or on a mat on the floor as much as possible. Repetitions are always recommended especially when it’s a knee exercise.
  • Hip Extension : Hip extension are easy to do exercises where in all you need to do is lie on your belly and move legs alternatively. Hip extensions can be beneficial if suffering from severe arthritis and can give immense relief if done regularly. Hip extension also helps in loosening the deposited fat. This fat can not be slimmed down by any other source of workout.
  • Knee Rolls : Knee rolls are good for knee pain. Not only does it provide you with relief but it’s also gives the body a much needed energy and zeal with listening the pain. Knee pain handicaps you terribly and it even worsens the functionality of the whole body.

Hence, knee pain can be avoided or dealt with certain nuances and carefulness while doing the easy to do steps. One should not do these excercies keeping in mind only the benefits rather one must workout with vigour and enthusiasm that will benefit the whole body in the long run.