5 Reasons, Why Men Hide Their Emotions

5 Reasons, Why Men Hide Their Emotions


Ever wonder why men are shown in movies as strong in physique and mental sensibilities ?? That’s because that’s how and what’s expected of them even in everyday life too. Men are by birth introvert when it comes to expressing their feelings and emotions.

They don’t express themselves at large like their female counterpart by sharing their thoughts every now and then. It can be due to their insecurities or nature by birth that they don’t want to spill the beans. Men are individuals with too many issues and problems to deal with everyday and sobbing over or thinking too much about one particular thing is just not their thing. Expression of every feeling is just too demanding from men as it does not go with their essential characteristics. Men are childlike with as much as innocence and vulnerability towards everything and anything. Studies held at Virginia University asserted that most men after a break up tend to soon settle down with marriage as they no more are capable to go through yet another heart break where as women even after break up move on with every day life and relationships with not dwelling much on the debacle at that past relationship anymore. That does not mean women are indifferent and do not value things the way men. Nevertheless, women have this innate capacity to overcome sorrow and grief sooner then men.

Five reasons, why men hide their emotions are as follows:

  • They don’t like speaking out their minds or expressing themselves to others as it would make them weak from inside. They keep all secrets intact to them as they are not answerable to them anyway. Expressing oneself signifies that you are even bound for an explanation which further demands justification at times. In order to avoid such reactions men refrain from indulging much about them.
  • A man is an epitome of strength and valour. And in our Indian tradition every family has a man as  “head of family”. So when a problem arises everybody in the house looks upon him or his response in dealing with it. Men subside their emotions and feelings so that the other family members don’t get affected with the matter.
  • Manhood so to say talks a lot about a man’s strong head and power to overcome all atrocities with vigour. They explode their anger but don’t express any soft side as they later don’t want to be ridiculed on that particular spot by their colleagues or people close to them. It is believed that women have at tendency to tackle emotional turmoil and move on quickly whereas men find it next to impossible to move on and get out of the agony and pain.
  • Men are prone to be emotionally screwed up and are often exploited  considering that. It  is also known that they don’t like describing their state of mind given the intensity of wound it has made deep in heart like break ups, loss of some one closed. Henceforth this results in keeping the pain deep down in them and living with it so to say.
  • Men do not find it significant enough to share each and every emotion with others. They really don’t find any need in disclosing every matter of fact with every individual.

Men are women’s shoulder to cry upon in despair and although there’s no harm even if it’s the other way round but then that just would be in our dreams. Let just men be the way they are, as that’s what fascinating  about them and drives women towards them !