You might deny having a massage done earlier, but you can surely not deny getting one in the future. And if that too is from your partner, you simply can’t say NO. Having a massage from your partner or even giving it to him/her will always make you feel special. Here are four techniques how you can give a scintillating massage to the one you love and make him/her feel great about you. Technique-1: Knuckle massage : Give the massage using knuckles of both of your hands in such a way as if you are kneading a dough at the back of your partner. Keep doing it in miscellaneous directions with a little force.Go up the back and then down, then up again and at the sides. Technique 2: Hand hammer massage : Make a hammer like fist with both your hands and start hammering the back of your partner. Keep doing it all over the back with little force. Hammer the shoulders first then slowly move down the back and then start moving randomly. Technique 3: Thumb massage : Do it with your thumbs. Place your fingers at both the sides of the back in such a way that the thumbs tend to cover the front portion of the back. move your fingers and thumbs up and down the back applying some pressure over the back. Technique 4: Edge massage : Massage the back with both the edges of your hands. Open your hands and expand them straight in such a way that the position of hands signifies a slap. Now with the edge opposite to the edge where the thumb lies, start massaging the back by hammer like movement of both hands simultaneously. Woo your partner with these four techniques of massaging and enjoy the reward!