10 Secret Things Men Want Women To Know

10 Secret Things Men Want Women To Know


10 Secret Things Men Want Women To Know

Struggling to maintain a healthy relationship? Having arguments too frequently with your partner? Understanding opposite sex is a bit difficult task, but understanding can be developed through effective communications. Still, there are certain things or feelings which are never expressed in words by communicating. There are certain things which a girl never says to her boyfriend but she wants that he should know certain things about their mentality, their nature. Similarly, there are certain secrets which boys will never tell their girls but wants that their girlfriend should know about them.

We are set out to speak about this issue and it might help you in improving your relationship.  Here are certain secrets which a man wants a women should know or understand about him. Read on, it might help you to understand your guy and may help you to improve your relationship Here are the secret things which a man wants her girl to know: 

Stay Chill-axed: A man never likes her girl to be stressed out. Whatever the problem is there is never the end of world. Just try to keep your calm and share your problem with him. He will have the solution of your problem don’t get hyper just stay chilled out and he is there to solve your problems.

Stop Bitching: A man is least bothered about what your friend wore at the party, how cheap she talks or looks. Keep it in your mind that he just don’t give a damn about it.

How’s this dress?: Never ask him about your dresses. Never ask them to comment on how are you looking today because he never knows what is the right answer. He will always answer that you are looking beautiful unless he wants a war.

Man watches porn: A man on an average watches porn 3-4 times a week. When he is busy or having a beautiful sex life than it might be once in a week or less. But every man does watches it.

Mommy’s boy: Yes his mother comes first to him than any other person in the whole world. She raised him and made a man. Impress her and the man is yours. Never try to make him realize that you and her mom don’t have tuning. You will be pushing your relation in a great trouble.

Kisses: A man loves kisses. When you give him little kisses on his face and chest he feels that he is the most loved person. He also likes you to sleep on his chest.

Checking out other girls: A man loves checking out other girls sometimes. Its a male thing don’t take it too serious. It only happens sometime so, ignore this you are the only one whom he loves a lot.

Man loves fantasy films: A man loves all the fantasy films like harry potter, lord of rings etc. Its a man thing you cant change it. The best way is to get a bit knowledge about it to deal with it easily.

Men don’t have any idea about periods: A man does not have any clue about what mood swings you face in periods, is your cycle normal or not, what pills are you taking. If says that whatever you are facing is not a big deal than don’t get angry because its all foreign to him.

Stop nagging: Women are more expressive and easily express whatever they feel. But don’t keep on bitching or moaning every time. Quit nagging him unnecessarily otherwise you will push him away  Here were some things which a man keeps inside him. Mark all these points in your mind and your relationship will definitely get a steady going.