10 Myths About Blood Pressure

10 Myths About Blood Pressure


Blood pressure is also called as a Hypertension. When the blood pushes the arteries with some force and exerts some pressure the walls of the blood vessels. Sometimes the pressure may be high at certain condition which leads to damage of healthy arteries. This may cause Heart attacks, and other heart diseases related to the arteries. The normal blood pressure of an adult is 120/80. Blood pressure which had just crossed the normal value may leads to hypertension and may also have the risk of cardio vascular diseases, and may also effects the brain, eyes and kidneys. People have many myths regarding the blood pressure.

Myth 1: High Blood Pressure Is the Disease Of Old

BP in oldage

  • Hypertension has a link with the age but, even young people are also suffering from the hypertension these days.
  • As you grew older, there will be more chances to suffer from hypertension as the arteries are also getting older with the work you had done throughout the age. So there will be more pressure.

Myth2: Hypertension Is More in Men When Compared To Women

Blood pressure in men

There is no barrier of gender in the case of hypersensitivity; in case of women, above 45 years are mostly affected with high blood pressure.

Myth 3: Wine Is Good For Heart So We Can Drink As Much As To Control Hypertension

  • No, regular dosage may also effects the heart and blood pressure. It is just an illusion of the people to think that drinking of wine is healthy.
  • It may also cause severe damage to your heart and sometimes it may fail to work that leads to death.
  • Alcohol consumption to peak levels may result in cancer, obesity, addiction.

Myth 4: My Headache Is Due To Hypertension


  • Hypertension can be described as a slow poison.
  • There will be no indicators before it attacks, mostly there will be no symptoms.

Myth 5: A Single Point Raise in the Machine Is an Indication of High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure machine

  • Blood pressure varies according to your work done by the body. It will different at different times.
  • Blood pressure is low, during sleeping.
  • It rises when you are nervous and tensed. At that situation the flow of blood is got speedup and more pressure will be recorded during stress conditions.

Myth 6: There Is No Relation With The Use Of Salt Content In My Food

Salt control in diabetes

  • Control on salt content in your food is very essential to control the hypertension.
  • Salt may increases the sodium intake to your body and may leads to high pressure.

Myth 7: Hypertension Can Be Easily Cured With Medication

  • There will be no cure but only we can be with balancing with medications.

Myth 8: High Blood Pressure Is Common and Attention Was Not Necessary

  • There will be no symptoms visually it will get you a sudden attack if you are not get alerted with medications.

Myth 9: My Blood Pressure Was Ok Now, I Can Discontinue The Medicine

  • You should not take your own decisions on diseases.

Myth 10: Blood Pressure Is Not Hereditary So No Need To Maintain Diet

  • High blood pressure is hereditary the chances are 50%
  • We cannot made our own decisions on hypertension, it looks simple but dangerous