10 Amazing Health Benefits of Beer

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Beer


Beer is not only a carbonated beverage but also is widely seen as a heat beater and consumed by every ages or generations so to say. Brew popularly known as beer is considered to have multiple benefits that are essential for our healthy living but this one aspect is very less known to masses. People consume beer the most in the company of loved ones and mates.

Even doctors suggest it’s consumption once in a while as it is necessary for digestion and urination even for kids just like medicine.

10 benefits of beer are as follows:

  • Stress Buster : “A beer a day keeps doctor at bay” that has become the new age idiom. Stress is a highly irritable problem that not only kills your mood altogether but also affects your whole demeanour.
  • Antioxidant : It works as a good anti oxidant as it not only moves in throughout the body but also gives the body resistance power. Anti oxidants are necessary for the body as we are getting exposed to humongous amount of bacteria and virus every minute of the day.
  • Decrease the Risk of Cardiac Arrest : One of the significant benefits of consuming beer everyday is that it decreases the chances of heart attacks as such. It not only prevents the body from stroke but also boosts the heart rate with a good pumping thorough out.
  • Rich in vitamin B : Rich in vitamin B it provides the body with much needed essential body composition that enables the body to function properly sans any deficiency driven diseases.
  • Good for Muscles : Muscles are made not solely with beer. Nevertheless consumption of beer is good for fetching a good muscular body. According to Fitness experts worldwide if then in moderation it can certainly boost your muscle. Muscle generating is a significant aspect of beer consumption. But one must also be reminded “moderation” is the key. Excess of beer can also lead to protruding of the belly instead as widely experienced.
  • High in Fibre : Beer’s composition is high in fibre. Like every other component necessary for our survival fibre too plays a crucial role. It’s composition has multiple benefits for enhancing minerals and fibre composition in the body.
  • Brew gives the much needed drive in social meets and makes you less apprehensive even at a blind date. As per University of Washington individuals behaviour after consumption of booze not only did accelerate their sense of confidence but also showed a lot of “devil may care attitude” at display. They somehow had the energy to go the extra mile and to do the impossible possible.


Numerous studies have proved that the consumption of beer is good and indispensable for health given that it’s taken in moderation. Many at times under the influence of alcohol people forget it’s essential utilisation that is to keep stress away and leisure in it’s consumption. Brew is one drink that’s consumed by one and all. Be it men or women.