No Time to Exercise – Five Ways to Stay Naturally Fit &...

No Time to Exercise – Five Ways to Stay Naturally Fit & Healthy


The perpetually changing living circumstances; the environment, the food, the lifestyle, unhealthy habits, longer working hours, stress, pressure et cetera. The list affecting our health is endless. Thanks to the age of ‘Computers’ and ‘Competition’ that we live in to.
The stress giving factors are on its zenith but the stress busters have significantly receded. In the other words,

  • the technological advancements, to a great extent, have isolated the humans from humans
  • the meaning of society has ebbed, no social gatherings
  • massive industrialization continue to pollute the environment to its worst.

The points mentioned above, are few of the many reasons that significantly and severely jeopardizes our health. In this case, the story of ‘health problems’ starts from a needle, and then gradually turns to be a mountain. But by then, it’s too late.

Natural Ways to be Healthy

Possibilities are there, that you don’t like to exercise or you do not want to. It hardly makes a difference. The point is:

  • you should keep yourself physically active
  • should have healthy functioning metabolism
  • and should make the heart pump faster everyday, for at least 30 minutes

To your surprise, there are innumerable measures and that too very common. We just need to recognize the various ways to keep ourselves physically fit.


Walk to Your Work

Off course! ‘Walk To Your Work’ doesn’t mean that you have to cover all the way to your office on foot. The only thing you need to do is that get down one or two Bus stops before the Bus stop of your office. And then, what next? It’s very simple; start walking towards your office.
And Yes, do make it a point to take stairs, rather than taking the lift or the elevator.


Stroll Down to Know Your Surrounding

A promenade is always a great idea to work upon. You may find end number of reasons to stroll down in your neighbourhood areas or in the market area nearby. For instance, children would always love to go out with you. And you can always turn it into a fun. Make them jump, jog and run.
For every little thing, you can must make it a point to go to the market. It will make you walk, sometimes reluctantly and sometimes in haste – but it is always a great exercise. Besides, you can always have the privilege to know your area much better. Isn’t it?


Play Games Like Football

Spend some time playing games like Football or Basketball et cetera. These games includes running and jumping, apart from making active use of both legs and hands.
Although, thirty minutes of Cardio exercise is suggested but we all know that something is always better than nothing. Pumping the heart for few minutes everyday, regulates the proper functioning of your body’s blood circulation.
Games like these not only keeps you naturally fit and healthy, it significantly work as a stress buster either.


Dance or Do Aerobics When Home

This is certainly not a call to make you a professional Dancer. But Dancing or performing Aerobics at home can always be a fun. Bring along the kids in the Dancing circle and add an enjoyous approach to your leisurely Dancing.
This little bit of exercise can add a lot of energy and stamina to your body.


Take Up Some Physical Activity

Make it a point to not sit idle and doing nothing, for even a single minute. Keep yourself busy. Some sort of physical activity is always an important count in keep you healthy and fit.
You can choose from washing your car, to cleaning the house or re-arranging your closet or your wardrobe for that matter. Choose anything you like but stay physically active.
The increasing dependency on medicines – their side-effects – it is not that you cannot escape from all this; You just need to have a strong will to follow and understand the meaning of that one word, ‘Discipline.’ Before it gets too late and you feel helpless, it is better to find your own way of keeping fit and healthy.