10 Strategies Protect You From Prostate Cancer

10 Strategies Protect You From Prostate Cancer


Cancer has emerged as an everyday disease within last one decade due to lifestyle borne ailments and lack of exercise. Cancer as a disease is not only fatal but also takes a toll on life if not diagnosed at an early stage. Prostate cancer is the most prevalent common cancer among men . It can be well understood by further more brief explanation.
‘Prostate’ is a gland found only in males. It is situated below the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum. It job is to make some of the fluid that protects and nourishes sperm cells in semen. The size of the prostate gland changes with age. It grows swiftly at the time of puberty, with increase in male hormones called androgens in the body , like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone .

The prostate usually stays about the same size or grows slowly in adults, as long as male hormones are present. In younger men, it is about the size of a walnut, but it can be much larger in older men.
Various kinds of cells are found in the prostate , but all prostate cancers develop from the gland cells. This medical term for a cancer that starts in gland cells is called “adenocarcinoma”.

Some other type of cancer in the prostate gland, includes :

  • Sarcomas
  • Small cell carcinomas
  • Neuroendocrine tumors (other than small cell carcinomas)
  • Transitional cell carcinomas

Some prostate cancers can grow and spread quickly, but most grow slowly. In fact, autopsy studies show that many older men (and even some younger men) who died of other causes also had prostate cancer that never affected them during their lives. In many cases neither they nor their doctors even knew they had it.


  1. Avoid supplemental folic acid: Folic acid is a form of folate and is basically included in most of the multivitamins. Just like breast cancer, folic acid supplementation has been associated with the increased risk of prostate cancer, whereas food folate is related with reduced risk. You can acquire natural folate from green vegetables and beans instead of synthetic folic acid from supplementation.
  2. Add tomatoes to your eating habit: Several studies have revealed that those who consumed the most tomato enriched foods lessened their total risk of prostate cancer by 35% and their risk of advanced prostate cancer by 50%. Lycopene, which is plentiful specially in cooked tomatoes is believed to be primarily accountable for this health benefit. The Lycopene in cooked tomatoes is more bio available than in raw tomatoes. These are extremely nutrient dense, containing lycopene as well as other phyto chemicals.
  3. Eat ample of orange and yellow vegetables: In order to prevent oneself from prostate cancer, it is advised to eat as much as orange and yellow vegetables as these two specific coloured vegetables have carotenoid such as carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and corn are all inversely related to prostate cancer.
  4. Reduce consumption of eggs, milk products and meat: It is to be noted that widely recognized that a high consumption of animal protein has been linked to a greater risk of prostate cancer. The more consumption of meat, poultry and fish is related with increased blood level of IGF1 (insulin like growth Factor 1) which is related with an increased chances of prostate cancer. Eggs are the highest source of choline. It is evident after a series of studies that men who avoid dairy products are at a lower risk of prostate cancer. For prostate health, avoid or limit animal products to two or fever servings per weak.
  5. Exercise regularly: One must work out regularly in order to keep yourself at bay from diseases. Exercise specially endurance prone such as walking, running, cycling and swimming are effective forms of disease protection. In certain studies men who had undergone rigorous workout for at least three hours per week had 60 % lower risk of death from prostate cancer, but it may also slow it’s progression.
  6. Supplement with a conservative amount of zinc: Zinc has been shown in scientific studies to suppress tumour growth and induce prostate cancer death. Zinc may be specifically imperative for those who follow healthful plant based diets: in one study , zinc supplementation alone was not related with prostate cancer risk. Since zinc from plant foods is not always efficiently absorbed by the body. I recommend to those that did not take zinc. It is recommended that a multi vitamin and mineral supplement with about 15mg of zinc (that does not contain folic acid)
  7. Weight gain: Prostate cancer is also triggered by weight gain. Obesity increases the risk of dying from prostate cancer by 20% if mildly obese and 34% if moderately obese. Benign Prostate Enlargement (BPH) is also more common in men who are obese or inactive, specially if there is metabolic syndrome or diabetes type 2. Abdominal weight gain negatively effects sex hormones causing the prostate to enlarge levels including keeping the prostate normal size and functioning as intended. It is also suggested that keeping physically active and within 15-20 pounds of your weight at an age of 21 also helps to lower the risk of prostate cancer.
  8. No to junk food: It is suggested not to indulge in oily and fried foods as it increases the chance of prostate cancer. These foods comprises of carcinogens that are found in high heat like frying or grilling thereby accelerating the risk of prostate cancer.
  9. Coffee: Coffee plays a pivotal role in keeping prostate cancer at bay. A recent Harvard University
    study found that men who drink at least 6 cups of coffee a day were 60 % less likely to foster lethal prostate cancer. Furthermore, decaffeinated coffee appeared to be just as effect as the high test.
  10. Sex or masturbation: Many studies proved that men who have frequent sexual intercourse or masturbate frequently may have lower their risk of prostate cancer, possible because ejaculation cleans out cancer causing compounds that can accumulate in the gland. This helps in keeping lower risk of prostate cancer with ejaculation the compounds are thoroughly cleansed out from the system.

Conclusion: If you are a male there are high chances of prostate disease such as Benign Enlargement or true prostate cancer. Various treatments available for long term aftermaths. I recommend good healthy nutrition, keeping fit and keeping your weight constant fundamental strategies in order to keep the prostate healthy. Sexual health and sexual activity is a intrinsic component of general health and for the prostate , the use it or lose it ideology comes into foreplay. One must abstain foods like sugar, sodas and high fat dairy products. You should not take vitamins with folic acid and consider vitamin D and green tea supplements as a part of your decided health plan even if you have no prostate symptoms. Whereas if you already have prostate ailments or believe you are at high risk of diseases, shed weight if necessary and count a quality supplement such as Prostate wellness on a regular basis.