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Yoga- Not Just Meditation But the Real Happiness

benefits of meditation

The virtual meaning of Yoga in Sanskrit is ÔÇÿto listen an art or practice of listening to your body. Yoga was developed first in India around five thousands years ago. And now it has become a popularly known practice and adapted across the world. Yoga is termed as physical, mental and spiritual practices that entertain your mind body and soul. The vital role of yoga is to provide peace in mind, energy, release stress, bring positivity to your thoughts. Now the question arises that Why only Yoga ? From ancient times yoga has been in practice, it helps to focus on strength, flexibility, physical fitness, breathing and boost mental wellness. The fundamental component of yoga is the posture which carries a range of different ways or movements to increase strength and flexibility.

Yoga Is For Everyone Every day… !!!

Exercise is one of the most important way to keep yourself healthy and fit.But to find the right way to perform exercise can be difficult and confusing like, everyone of us cannot run (e.g. asthmatics), lift dumbles, etc. However, yoga is that form of exercise which anybody can practice. It comprises of physical practices, breathing and meditations that can be adaptable to everybody.

There are different levels of physical practices, some of them appear to be difficult, but people can learn yoga at whatever possible level works for them. It is important to perform yoga practices everyday in order to bring peace and harmony to body, mind and soul.

Now a days there several studios, Ayurveda Kendra and gyms that offers yoga classes for all generation ranging from young children, middle-aged, women, older peoples and even athletes. There is no discrimination on the basis of strength, everyone of them can feel accepted and involved unlike sports or heavy exercises. Yoga helps to all weather you are 95, 55 or 15.

Health Benefits with Yoga

There are several health benefits of yoga that provides long lasting gratification.Yoga can bring change to your physical and mental ability to do work and prepare your mind for long term or sustainable health. Some of the benefits are:

1. Improves your Flexibility

Being flexible is the most important condition from practicing yoga to playing any role in your life. Yoga helps to stretch your muscles easily, you can move freely without any stiffness or tiredness. Practices like Power Yoga and Ashtanga are physical, helps to improve muscle tone. The flexibility you build from yoga helps you to balance your strength and physique. The right way to perform yoga is depend upon the pose and posture you follow. Poor posture can cause back pains,spine problems, cramps in lower neck and back.

2. Boost your Immunity

Yoga helps your lymphatic system to fight infection, kill cancerous cells,drain out toxicity from the cellular body. Different practices of yoga have been performed in order to maintain and boost immunity like Asana and Prsnayama. But meditation has been the strongest support in improving immunity functions. They helps to raise antibody level in response to infection. Once you raise your level of immunity you do not need to rely on medicines and drugs.

3. Peace of Mind

Now a days, stress, rush, competition are major issues responsible for the fluctuation of mind. Yoga helps to suppress these fluctuation with meditation. It slows down frustration, stress, anger,fear and anxiety problems. A regular practice of yoga and meditation can change you life and allows peaceful mind with longer and healthier life.

4. Enhance your Beauty

The overall beauty can be enhanced and maintained with the help of yoga. It helps to give you a radiant and smooth skin, also act as an anti-ageing factor. Yoga helps to reduce weight and undesirable fat in order to keep your body slim and beautiful and healthy. Anulom Vilom, Kapalabhati, Shitali Pranayama, Bhastrika, Bhramari Pranayama are several practices which provides smooth and radiant glow to your skin and hair. Removal of toxicity helps to improve blood circulation and support anti-ageing.

5. Whole Body Relaxation

In ancient period, people believe that to relaxation is the most important factor for mental and physical activeness. But now a days, people are running behind money instead of being in peace, resulting into stress, frustration, and health issues. The only solution to these problems is hidden under yoga. Relaxation can bring the positive change in your life.

6. Reduce Stress

A few minutes of yoga for once or twice a day can be helpful to reduce stress that accumulates daily in your mind. Practices like Pranayam and meditation are essential as well as effective to release stress and bring peace to mind. While deep breathing you may feel more relaxed and stress free or focused. A healthy mind is more conscious and aware to what is going around.The more aware you are the easier you can get rid of emotions, anger and stress.

7. Make you happier

Being sad can be responsible for several health issues, depression. According to Richard Davidson from University of Wisconsin there is pre-frontal cortex that is highly active in people with regular meditation habit and it has been found that the greater the activity the higher the level of happiness and better the immunity.

Outlook on Yoga

The purpose to practice yoga is to improve strength, awareness, health and whole life style of an individual. Yoga can be the healing factor beside all recoveries and prevention. It is considered as a great tool for higher stability and strength. It gives peace and harmony to body, mind and soul. Now a days yoga is easier to pursue in common places, health clubs, schools and hospitals.

Always remember, yoga is a continuous process and need to perform for a longer period of time, so keep practicing because the deeper you practice the yoga the more profound are its benefits.

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