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Tips To Avoid Uncertain Conditions While Driving

Tips To Avoid Uncertain Conditions While DrivingEvery time you get behind the wheel, you accept responsibility for your actions. You must obey traffic rules and ensure your safety, passengers & other motorists, bicyclists & pedestrians on the roadways. To avoid accidents you must follow these rules.Hand Position: Sit straight & hold the steering wheel with your fingers & thumbs. Avoid gripping it with your palms.

Speed Limits: There is a speed limit & it is illegal to drive faster than posted speed. You must drive slower in conditions like bad weather & road constructions as it is unsafe.

Stopping: You must always stop your vehicle at all stop signs, red traffic signals, flashing red signals, railway crossings, for pedestrians attempting to cross the road, at the direction of a police officer etc.

Yielding The Right-Of-Way: You should stop if you can’t merge safely in the flow of traffics.  Roundabouts: Roundabouts, rotaries, traffic circles and circular intersections are all terms for intersections with a circular sign. Slow down while approaching a roundabout & use your turn signals to indicate where you want to go.

Changing Lanes: While changing lanes, passing, entering or exiting, use your turn signals & check traffic to rear and sides

Over Correcting: You should remain alert at all times. Gradually reduce speed & extra attention while driving on curved roads. Over correction occurs when you turn the steering wheel more rapidly than expected and it causes rear wheel slide down outside of the turn.

Turning: To make a right turn, you should be in the lane closest to the curb. To make a left turn, you should be in the furthest left lane possible.

U-Turns: It is not legal everywhere. While taking U-turn, turn on your left turn signal, stop & yield for approaching traffic. When the way is clear, proceed.

Turn Signals: When you plan to change lane, turn, enter or exit a highway, give the proper turn signals. Signal 3 or 4 seconds, 100 feet ahead of your turn. After completing the turn, be sure turn signals stop flashing.

Maintaining a Space: Maintain a space around your vehicle to avoid crash. Create a space cushion around your vehicle by staying in middle of the lane.  Blind Spots: These are danger areas that can’t be seen in mirrors. In this condition, turn your head & glance over your shoulder to ensure the way is clear before changing lanes.

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