HealthGenie Blog

Suppress Appetite, Boost Energy & Get Summer Fit with “Nutrimed” Slim n Trim


Wondering, ahh! Just another product that claims to be a wonder? Or thinking that no product can make your weighing scale’s pointer move to the left? Well, this time you are sadly mistaken having thought that. Because Nutrimed’s slim and Trim is no similar to those complicated fat burning powders, capsules and drinks.

It is an all different product based on a simple formula of reducing your on and off time hungers by filling up your stomach with its highly fibrous Slim ‘n’ Trim meal replacement drink, making you feel full and satisfied most of the time and that too without cutting on the important nutrients that your body, daily requires.

The more hungry you will feel, the more food you will eat and that too the very unhealthy food, most of the time. So, to counter this ugly lifestyle that we all are adapted to, here we have got a simple solution. NutriMed’s Slim ‘n’ trim is a highly fibrous meal replacement drink that is made of different cereal flours blended together with protein blend and other vital vitamins and minerals.

So, what this fibrous drink does?

2 Ws and 1 H of its consumption:-

1. ‘W’hen?

For the first four days, have a glass of Slim ‘n’ Trim shake before any two of your meals. Preferably one before breakfast and another before dinner.

You can even have it as a complete meal in itself in place of any one meal of the day.

Then, for the rest of the days you can have it 3 times before 3 meals of a day.

2. ‘W’ho?

3. ‘H’ow?

When will the results show?

The results will be noticeable within 2-3 weeks after constantly following the pattern of consumption of Slim ‘n’ Trim.

You will get to lose 7 kgs in 7 weeks without starving yourself and also without heavy diet plans.

How Slim ‘n’ Trim Differs from Other Weight Loss Products

  1. Slim And Trim natural and healthy unlike other fat burning or fat cutting products.
  2. It works on a very simple formula of reducing your hunger by replacing your daily meals with this highly fibrous, protein rich and completely nutritional powder drink hence cutting on the overall calorie intake.
  3. It is a complete diet in itself with not just high fibre to reduce your weight but also with high protein content  and other important vitamins and minerals to entirely support your body in order to lead a healthy life
  4. Zero percent sugar and cholesterol, making it an all the more healthy meal replacement.
  5. It’s easy to consume with its flavored taste and easy to make process.
  6. It does not have any side effects.

So, we conclude that

Try this all new product as it simply works wonders and gives you the desired results naturally and healthily. Slim ‘n’ Trim comes from a trustable brand name Nutrimed and is pocket friendly too. You need not shell out tons of money on those artificial fat reducing products that can never provide you with overall health results as Slim ‘n’ Trim provides you with. If you desire a leaner body shape, cleaner stomach and greener overall health, then Nutri Med’s Slim ‘n’ Fit is the new change that you should choose to opt for.

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