HealthGenie Blog

Ill-Effects of Tobacco Continue to Pervade the World Population

Starts with a style symbol in the stage of adolescence and goes on to be a habit in the later years of life. Smoking, gradually, becomes a need for the millions of people, who knowingly or unknowingly embrace their death.  

Those were the days of our infancy, when, on our Television screen, we used to watch the famous song picturized on Bollywood film star, Dev Anand; and sung by an incredible singer, Rafi; “Mai Zindgi ka Saath Nibahata Chala Gaya; Har Fikr ko Dhuyein Mein Udata Chala Gaya.” 

That was the age when, Smoking for us, was a style symbol of a style icon. And we were more than happy to imitate Dev Anand Sahib. But Smoking, an infatuation of infancy, turns to be that beloved Mistress, which puts your life at jeopardy, in return to your love.  


Fact Sheet on Smoking

According to World Health Organization (WHO),

Moreover, the experts believe that if the condition remains the same, Tobacco use will cause 8 million deaths by the end of the year 2030.

Negative Health Effects of Tobacco

It is a surprising that the early Physicians believed on the conventional belief of the Native Americans, who cultivated Tobacco to use it in the ceremonial and medicinal purposes.

Nevertheless, it was in the year 1930 that some researchers statistically proved the relation between Smoking and Cancer. And thus broke the conventional boundaries of the Native Americans. 

Did you know that deaths caused due to Tobacco is much more than the deaths caused due to the major problems like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Excess use of Alcohol, Drugs etc., combined all together.

However, there are innumerable ill-effects of using Tobacco, but following are few major health illness which is caused by the use of Tobacco.


Cardiovascular Disease

Respiratory Disease

Gastrointestinal Disease

Apart from these above mentioned health problems, Smoking also effects your teeth and gums causing ‘Oral-Cancer.’

Furthermore, the use of Tobacco also effects a Pregnant woman.

Therefore, it is high time that people who are into active smoking must scotch the use of Tobacco. They must find their own suitable ways to quit smoking. After all, the next generations have all right to inherit good and healthy habits from their ancestors.

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