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How To Maintain Diabetes By Daily Diet ?

Diabetes is a chronic disorder, but it can be controlled mainly through the diet. So, one must maintain a healthy diet in order to get control over the glucose levels in the body. It keeps the patient stay healthy and improve immunity of his body.

Analyze the food you’re eating:Replace the foods having high fat content with the low fat content food. Take an advice from the doctor about your diet and make a diet chart for you. Follow the chart every day and take the prescribed medicine of the doctor. In this way you can decrease your fat content. You must take foods which have high fiber content and vitamins content in it , to improve your blood pressure and cholesterol content.

Include fruits and vegetables in your meal:Try to include fresh fruits and healthy vegetables with grains in your meal. Low calorie dairy products can give you rich protein content that may be helpful to improve your immunity in every aspect.

Make a perfect diet plan:Your diet must be perfectly planned to prevent excess eating. Count the calorific value of the diet you had taken daily, note it and improve your diet with suitable medication.  This will help you in perfectly maintaining the sugar levels in your blood and keeps you fit always.

Don’t be Overconfident:
 Don’t be overconfident about your diet plan. Visit your doctor in regular interval and take suggestion about what food components to add and restrict from your diet. Prepare a diet chart with advice from a good dietician

Foods that helps you like Porridge:

Porridge contains a good amount of carbohydrate that helps diabetic people to control the blood sugar level. It helps to reduce their weight and controls the fat content in the body.

Broccoli, Spinach & Green beans:

Non starchy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, green beans offer an additional nutrients that helps to control your sugar level in the blood and maintain the correct balance with your metabolism.

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