HealthGenie Blog

6 Ways to Purify Lungs in Heavy Smokers

6 ways to purify lungs

Smoking is enormously a bad habit and harmful to human body and the surroundings to a large extent. Lungs are the crucial organ, responsible for the proper exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. However, various particulates of cigarettes and smoke causes decrease in overall functioning of lungs. But at some extent lungs uses its cilia to catch bacteria and dust particles to throw them out of the lungs through mucus.

The lungs of smokers are so badly affected that need to be detoxified for healthy well being. If you are a regular smoker, chances of weakening in the lining, reduced breathing and less oxygen content are obvious. But if you are a non-smoker, industrial smoke, dust particles,radioactive and passive smoking causes damage to lungs. In both cases detoxifying lungs is necessary for a healthy living.

6 Different Steps to Purification of Lungs are:

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