HealthGenie Blog


Sitting down after playing soccer for an hour might be refreshing and relieving, or even healing, but sitting down ideally, all the time and not roaming around at all may prove to be hazardous for your health. Yes, sitting for too long while you are at work or up to something else, can affect your health adversely. Let us have a look at some of the  affects of prolonged sitting.

Affect on Head:

Affect on Heart:

Prolonged sitting that is, a sedentary lifestyle is directly related to Cardiovascular diseases , heart failure etc. Active body is highly important for a heart to function healthily. A body that is too lazy to move leads to accumulation of fluid and that fluid can then adversely affect your heart.

Affect on Lungs: 

Affect on Stomach:

Affect on Neck:

Affect on Legs:

Sitting for too long can cause all of these health affects, so the next time you rest your bums and then forget to bother them at all, keep this six health affects in mind. Happy sitting!

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