HealthGenie Blog

6 Foods That Fight Acidity And Heartburn During Summer

Summers are here and your tendency to fight acidity reduces which will further lead to losing to upset stomach every now and then. Acidity and bad stomach are some of the common occurrence during summers. Every other person seems to fall under it after one or the other point. Acidity can screw your well being totally with a sort of excruciating pain throughout the stomach to mouth with the stomach dying in agonizing pain. It kills your appetite and you just don’t feel like consuming anything at all.Acidity not only comes along with the severe pain it also involves the cute heartburn that worsens it all the more. As the stomach gives an impression of unhealthy  and disturbed belly at all times. Junk food and street food are the basic root cause of problem. It further leads to gastritis with the food being made in different and adulterated oil. This makes the stomach susceptible to disease prone even if you consume a bit of it catering to your craving. Some individuals are so vulnerable to acidity due to the pre existence of gastritis. According to famous Gastroenterologist Dr. Deepak Lahoti acidity can be fought by consuming cold and detoxing vegetables and fruits in order to prevent the heartburn.

There are plethora of medicines like Oral suspension medicines, Anti-gas ,anti-flatulence, H-2-receptor blockers in order to get a constant cure from acidity along with leading a healthy life.

Some of the must have products in order to save yourself from that agonizing pain and heart burn are as follows :

These are some of the must haves that can be easily included in our everyday meal sans any as such task or back breaking effort. Acidity and heart burn are two ailments that affects your digestive system at large along with an irritability all day long. According to dietitians green vegetables must be included on all day basis. There are dark leafy vegetables that go unnoticed in our everyday lives due to it’s appearance and taste. Therefore, it should be eaten with adding taste as per one’s own requirement. Hence, inclusion of the aforementioned will definitely reap you benefits. Try it to believe it !

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