HealthGenie Blog

5 Reasons Why A Morning Cup Of Black Coffee Is Wondrous!

“Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with”. This age old proverb has it’s own benefits and works as an absolute impetus to kick start the day. We all live in a day of horrifying deadlines and meetings and to ease the tension coffee does wonders, especially the bed coffee that one wakes up with!

There are plenty of benefits in consuming coffee everyday. Drinking a mug of coffee in the morning not only odes rejuvenation to the whole body but also gives the body and mind to relax and ease down . “Coffee has multiple nutrients and anti oxidants that are essential for keeping good metabolism and health. A cup of black coffee in the morning does not only provide us with a vigour to wake up and look forward to the day but also enables a “feel good “factor. In USA it is noted that 60-70% of people prefer coffee over other beverage to start their long day by getting a jolt of energy. A disturbed sleep or a night before with heavy booze all can dealt with a cup of java.

There are various kinds of coffee out of which the ultimate and best is black coffee, which is of our interest to deal with. Harvard School of Public Health asserted that black coffee in the morning keeps your stomach well with boosting digestion at large.

Benefits of coffee :

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