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10 Vital Reasons For Pain Using Sexual Intercourse

It is very common symptom for female to feel some amount of pain during sexual intercourse. Sometimes, due to lack of lubrication becomes the vital reason behind it. Well, you can be easily resolved by maximizing foreplay or utilizing some extra lube to ease penetration. However, if the pain still doesn’t decrease, here are some another reasons behind it, which may be connected to the pain you feel during sex.
Here is the 10 vital reasons behind it.

(1) Vaginismus:

This condition is occurred due to spasms in the vaginal muscle prompted by fear of prior trauma or fear of pain.

(2) Problem With The Cervix:

During maximum act of entering (penetration), the penis can touch the cervix. Cervical problems such as an infection may the reason behind of some amount of pain while it comes in touch with the penis.

(3) Problems With The Uterus:

If any woman has problems, such as fibroids, then it may the reason for pain during sexual intercourse.

(4) Vaginal Infection:

Any kind of vaginal infection like a yeast infection may be the reason behind pain during intercourse.

(5) Vaginal Injury:

The vaginal injury may occur due to several reasons, such as a tear in the vagina a cut in the perineum made during labor or during childbirth.

(6) Endometriosis:

This is a condition that occurs the endometrium (tissue lining the uterus) to develop outside the uterus, thereby generating pain during penetration.

(7) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease:

The tissues deep inside your pelvis may get inflamed, cause pressure and pain during sexual intercourse.

(8) Problems With The Ovaries:

These problems could contain ovarian cysts etc.

(9) Menopause:

During menopause the vaginal lining becomes dry, thereby causing pain during vaginal penetration.

(10) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s):

Sexually transmitted diseases mean herpes and genital warts etc. These are the main reasons behind pain during sex.

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